My betterplace

Anica Samleit

“My betterplace” is your profile on Here you get an overview over all your activities on projects you donated for, fundraising events you participated in, all your blog entries and much more.

We would like to introduce you to some options you might not know yet:

edit profile

The tab “personal description” give you the opportunity to introduce yourself to the community. Tell them what drives you and what you want to achieve with

invite friends

Your friends are just one click away. Invite them to join and start changing the world together!

view transaction

Here you see all your donations in an overview. It also shows the date and the method of payment. Your good deeds in black and white!

buy gift voucher

Not only the receiver benefits from this voucher, but also a project of his choice.

show project list

You discovered a great project, but you’re broke? No problem, simply add the project to your list and come back later.

And now: let’s try!

Is there anything missing? What is missing to navigate through your activities on easier? Leave a comment!