Our story: 3 years of betterplace.org! Your story: we're looking for three more funny stories to share!

Anica Samleit

Each day, we see examples through project updates of how betterplace.org has helped to make the world a little bit better. But has your involvement with betterplace.org ever brought you into an interesting or funny situation? We can only hope so.

![Facebook betterplace.org_s Photos - Profile Pictures](http://blog.betterplace.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Facebook-betterplace.org_s-Photos-Profile-Pictures.jpg)For our three-year birthday on November 9th, 2010, we’re looking for three funny anecdotes from the betterplace.org community. Quickly send us a short - and of course, completely true - experience that you’ve had that you still laugh about today. Send it to us over email at support@betterplace.org.

Here are two examples for inspiration:

A large German NGO told us that they had received an infuriated phone call from an elderly donor who complained that instead of receiving letters, he was now getting all of “these emails from the Internet”. This was especially an outrage, it turns out, because the gentleman collects stamps.

Our second anecdote was from a small Asian aid organization who wrote to tell us that their medical clinic was finally, successfully built, after months of collecting donations over betterplace.org. Which was a relief, since one of the first patients accepted for care at the clinic was their employee, who was treated for back pains after spending weeks sitting at the computer setting up the betterplace.org profile and answering donor emails…

We look forward to hearing your story!


Bertha Plehs (at least one of our email recipients has addressed us by this name…)