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First workshop with the young board of directors o

B. Blake
B. Blake wrote on 22-04-2011

Estoy de vuelta en casa, cansada fisicamente pero muy alegre, contenta y muy  satisfecha, este ha sido un grupo muy uniforme, su interes, esfuerzo en comprender las herramientas y como utilizarlas era sorprendente.Ellos evaluaron muy bien el taller vamos hacer una memoria corta pero concreta.A mi me gusto oir de mi hijo decir que habia visto que todos estaban conectados con nosotros. Exactamente asi lo senti.Claro siempre  manifestaron su interes por multiplicar estos talleres.Voy a descansar solo queria compartir estas ideas generales y mi gran emocion..Un agradecimiento especial a ustedes, incluye a Caty.Un abrazo a todas.


Translation: I am back home, tired physically, but very happy, content, and very satisfied. This group (the Board of Directors of the community organization CCR in Chaletenango) was very uniform in their interest. Their efforts to understand the tools and how to use them is amazing. They gave a good evaluation of the workshop and we will do a write-up about it, short but concrete. I liked it when I heard by son say that he had seen that everyone was connected with us (myself and Catherine Torpey). I felt exactly the same way. Of course they again expressed their interest in learning how to multiply these workshops.

I am going to rest now, I just wanted to share the general idea and my great excitement....Special thanks to all of you, including Cathy. An embrace to all, Melba