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Sorya e.V.

managed by Hi-Khan T.

About us

SORYA is an organisation that supports Cambodians to choose their own path through life. Young people have the opportunity to enrol in Sorya's education program, learning English, computer and life skills. Local weavers produce high quality scarves at Sorya's silk weaving project on traditional looms. Many families in the Rovieng Commune gained access to safe drinking water through the 'rain water village' project - initiated and largely financed by our partner Entwicklungshilfeklub Wien.

SORYA Germany has promoted education and livelihood in the rural area of the Province Takeo in Cambodia since 2002. SORYA Germany raises funds for its activities through contributions and donations.
SORYA Cambodia is a registered development organisation and works with twelve full-time local staff in the Rovieng Commune, 55 kilometres south of Phnom Penh. They implement all the projects of SORYA and manage the ongoing activities in close cooperation with SORYA Germany and its partners.

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Spendengelder, die nicht mehr für das Projekt ausgegeben werden können

  (Deleted User)  14 July 2017 at 02:54 PM

Liebe Spender,
bei Projekten, bei denen Spendengelder über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg nicht angefordert wurden, sehen das Gesetz und unsere Nutzungsbedingungen vor, dass die Spenden von der gemeinnützigen AG (Betreiberin von zeitnah für deren satzungsmäßige Zwecke verwendet werden müssen.

Deshalb setzen wir die noch nicht verwendeten Spendengelder für diese Zwecke ein

Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung,

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Harkorstr. 30

Hi-Khan T.

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