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Neue Single "Home is so Sad" und letzter Spendenaufruf / New single "Home is so Sad" and last Donation Call

Ihr Lieben /Dear all,

anbei ein Bericht des KXP Magazins über die neue Single "Home is so sad" von der Band Postcards, die zusammen mit ihrem Manager und Produzenten, Fadi Tabbal, den Beirut Fund gegründet haben:


enclosed is a report from
KXP magazine about the new single "Home is so sad" by the band Postcards, who founded the Beirut Fund together with their manager and producer, Fadi Tabbal:

"On the evening of August 4, 2020, a large fire ignited at the Port of Beirut, setting off an explosion of ammonium nitrate, sending a colossal mushroom cloud into the air and sending a supersonic blast levelling the already struggling city. There were at least 215 reported deaths and 7,500 injuries, leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless.

Two of those 7,500 injuries belonged to the band members of the dream-pop trio Postcards. Frontwoman Julia Sabra tells KEXP,  "The three of us were at home when the explosion hit, as we live around the same area near the port. I was home with Pascal, our drummer, and he got severely injured, but I was saved by chance because I stood with my back to a wall. I won't go into the details of the whole thing... We luckily made it to the hospital in time, thanks to our neighbors and friends." (The band discussed the explosion with KEXP's Sound & Vision last year.) "  (...)

Ganzer Bericht siehe Link / Full report see link:

Link zum Video der Single "HOME IS SO SAD" auf YouTube / Link to the video of the single "HOME IS SO SAD" on YouTube:

Wir würden nun noch den letzen Bedarf füllen und damit dann unsere Spendenaktion zur Unterstützung des Fundes beenden. Fadi wird uns dann einen detaillierten Abschlussbericht erstellen den wir dann, sobald wie ihn haben, nach Abschluss des Projektes hier mit Euch teilen werden. Wie ihr Euch vorstellen könnt kann Geld nur die äußeren Wunden etwas mildern. Die Seele braucht anderes und da kann sehr Musik helfen. Teilt doch gerne das Video von "Home is so sad" überall wo ihr könnt. Die Explosion ist vorbei, aber weh, tut es noch immer.

Wir freuen uns also weiterhin über jede Unterstützung und bedanken uns nach wie vor für all die Spenden die wir bereits erhalten haben.

We would now fill the last need and end our fundraising campaign to support the fund. Fadi will then create a detailed final report for us, which we will share with you here as soon as we have it after the project is over. As you can imagine, money can only soften the external wounds a little. The soul needs other things and music can help a lot. Please share the video of "Home is so sad" wherever you can. The explosion is over, but it still hurts.

So we are still looking forward to any support and would like to thank you for all the donations that we have already received.

Alles Liebe Von Herzen /Love from the heart,


Wir sind alle MITTENDRIN e.V - Künstler für Menschenrechte


Unterstütze den Beirut Fund mit deiner Spende / Support the Beirut Fund with your Donation