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Deutschlands größte Spendenplattform

Promotion et Développement Humain (PDH)

wird verwaltet von A. Dzakas

Über uns

The Promotion and Human Development (PDH) centre in Lomé, Togo, Western Africa was established on the 15th of February, 1999 by Antoine Dzakas. Since then, our petite organisation has managed to transcend the restrictions imposed by our extremely limited financial resources. Consequently, we have succeeded in providing health, dignity and hope to hundreds of local Togolese residents.
The story of PDH is a humble one. Perched on the red dusty sands of Togo's capital, the PDH centre strives to cater for the needs of those who come from one of the poorest regions on earth. PDH has an open-door and non-discriminatory philosophy that strives to help anyone in need. Caseloads include people with AIDS, HIV, illnesses or varying degrees of poverty, the unemployed, orphans, children in need and victims of abuse.

PDH's response to the AIDS epidemic in Togo works on two levels:
1 Education that encourages prevention
The principal aim of our educational campaigns is to prevent further spread of HIV by encouraging a change of behaviour. Much of this takes place on a cultural level. For example, we encourage fidelity and the use of condoms in a society where men are free to wed several wives.
2 The care of AIDS and HIV victims
PDH assumes the caretaker role for anyone who comes to our centre already HIV infected. We are able to provide our clients with a modest range of anti-retroviral medicines and high energy food, counselling and social support and financial aide. We also provide support for HIV orphans and assist adoptive families.

As for our staff, we have four locals working full-time, one part-time and an array of local and international volunteers who come and go, each taking with them experiences that, it would seem, could never be forgotten…

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

Spendengelder, die nicht mehr für das Projekt ausgegeben werden können

  (Gelöschtes Mitglied)  24. Februar 2017 um 11:16 Uhr

Liebe Spender,
dieses Projekt wurde gemäß Ziffer 8.1. unserer AGB für nicht steuerbegünstigte Organisationen und Projekte abgebrochen.

Die noch nicht beantragten Spendengelder, die nicht mehr an die Spender zurück überwiesen werden konnten, fallen an betterplace.org, die diese für die Verfolgung ihrer satzungsgemäßen Zwecke einsetzt. Hier gibt es mehr Informationen dazu.

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Euer betterplace.org-Team



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